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Bulbophyllum himantosepalum

Bulbophyllum himantosepalum

Bulbophyllum himantosepalum J.J.Verm. & Sieder -- Malesian Orchid J. 15 (2015) 41.

Type: Hort. Salzburg s.n., WU alc. no.690 (holo WU).

Small, short-creeping epiphyte with spreading roots. Rhizome 0.2-0..25 cm diam., sections between pseudobulbs, rhizome scales not persistent. Pseudobulbs 0.5-0.9 cm apart, c. erect, ellipsoid-cylindrical to ovoid-cylindrical, not angular, 0.9-1.3 by 0.4-0.8 cm. Leaf elliptic, 1.7-3.8 by 0.9-1.8 cm, index 1.6-2.1; petiole 0.2-0.4 cm long; apex rounded. Inflorescence c. 14 cm long, 1 -flowered; peduncle c. 7.5 cm long; scales c. 4. Floral bract c. 1.3 cm long. Pedicel and ovary c. 2 cm long; basal node c. 0.3 cm above the floral bract attachment. Median sepal free, c. porrect with an incurved apex, c. triangular, c. 1 by 0.2 cm, index c. 5 (without spreading); strongly folded along the midnerve; abaxially distinctly keeled, slightly less so near the base; margins entire; apex acute; glabrous except the margins sparsely and minutely papillose; 3-nerved. Lateral sepals free, flat, not keeled, slightly recurved, slightly falcate, ovate-oblong, c. 4.4 by 0.7 cm, index c. 6.3; margins entire; apex rounded; glabrous; 5-nerved. Petals porrect, c. triangular, c. 0.45 by 0.12 cm, index 3.7- 3.8; margins entire or slightly and minutely erose towards the apex; apex acuminate; glabrous; 3-nerved. Lip recurved near the apex, c. ovate, c. 0.21 by 0.11 cm, index c. 1.9 (without spreading); margins entire, sparsely and minutely hirsute; near the base; adaxially slightly concave, with a slight median depression which continues as a median slit over most of the length of the lip but which opens near the apex to allow space for a slightly raised median callus, surface short-hirsute near the base except for the glabrous median depression, and longĀ­ hirsute with antrorse hairs in the central part; abaxially with a distinct ridge over most of its length, with a c. flat crest, surface further glabrous; apex obtuse. Column including stelidia c. 0.2. cm long; rostellum not protruding, stigma inverted triangular; column foot at the apex not widened; stelidia porrect, deltoid, c. 0.03 cm long; apex acute, with a distinct, antrorse, deltoid, acute tooth along the upper as well as the lower margin, close to the apex; pollinia 2.
(after Vermeulen & Sieder 2015)

Median sepal dark red-brown, yellow towards the base. Lateral sepals dark red-brown; base yellow; towards the apex grading to yellow. Petals yellow with red veins. Lip cream-coloured suffused red; apex blackish.

Not recorded.

Malesia (New Guinea).

Indonesia (Papua Prov., Jajawijaya Regency); see map

Cool growing epiphyte.

Not recorded.

  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Epidendroideae
  • Tribe Dendrobieae
  • Subtribe Bulbophyllinae
  • Genus Bulbophyllum
  • Section Hoplandra
  • Species Bulbophyllum himantosepalum

Bulbophyllum himantosepalum is similar to B. baladeanum J.J. Sm., from New Caledonia, B. obovatifolium J.J. Sm. from New Guinea, and the widespread B. restrepia (Rid!.) Ridl. These species differ by having a straight or hardly incurved median sepal and an entirely glabrous lip. In addition, B. obovatifolium has caudate lateral sepals and B. restrepia has more distinctly tapering, but distally thickened lateral sepals.

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Bulbophyllum himantosepalum

Bulbophyllum himantosepalum