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Calanthe cremeoviridis

Calanthe cremeoviridis

Calanthe cremeoviridis J.J.Wood, Orchid Rev. 89 (1981) 210, fig. 180, fig.

Type: Sands, Pattison, Wood & Croft 1782 (holo K)

An erect terrestrial herb to 1 m high. Rhizome short, creeping, 3 by 0.5 cm, with 2-3 narrowly ovate, 3cm long sheaths. Roots numerous, tomentose-lanuginose, to 20 by 0.5 cm. Leaves 3-6, basal; petioles sheathing towards the base, prominently nerved, to 20 cm long; blade narrowly elliptic, basally cuneate, acute, glabrous, thin-textured, margin entire or gently undulate, 28-48 by 4-10 cm. Peduncle including the inflorescence rachis to 87 cm high, arising from the axils of the outermost leaves, very finely pubescent, sterile bracts 3-4, very finely pubescent, lowermost ovate, obtuse, amplexicaul, to 3.8 cm long, uppermost acute, non-amplexicaul, to 1.8 cm long. Inflorescence up to 35-flowered, dense, 18-30 by 7 cm. Floral bracts narrowly ovate, acute, very finely pubescent, solitary or paired, 1 by 1.8 cm. Flowers solitary or paired, borne all around the stem, strongly scented at night. Pedicellate ovary clavate, minutely puberulous, 2.6-3.2 cm long. Tepals curved, strongly reflexed, glabrous. Median sepal oblanceolate, acute to acuminate, 1.6-1.8 by 0.45-0.5 cm. Lateral sepals slightly obliquely-oblanceolate, obtuse to acuminate, 1.6-1.8 by 0.5-0.55 cm. Petals linear ligulate to narrowly oblanceolate-spathulate, acute, 1.6-1.7 by 0.2-0.3 cm. Lip 3-lobed, 1-1.2 by 1.6-2 cm (width measured across lateral lobes); mid-lobe recurved, bilobulate, 0.3-0.5 cm long, lobules oblong, truncate to acute, with a small recurved mucro in the sinus; lateral lobes divaricate to somewhat deflexed, oblique, broadly or subfalcate-oblong, truncate or cuneate at base, obtuse, 0.7-1 by 0.6-0.7 cm; callus consisting of three convoluted, fleshy median keels and usually two much shorter lateral keels, periphery of disc somewhat rugose; spur horizontal to gently upturned, adnate to column at base, cylindrical, obtuse, sparsely puberulous, free part 1.3-1.6 cm long. Column straight or slightly curved distally, with short truncate wings, 0.9-1 by 0.3 cm. Anther ovate, retuse at base, 0.2 by 0.2 cm; pollinia clavate or oblong, 0.05-0.1 cm long. (After Wood, 1981).

Leaves dull, dark green above, paler greyish-green below. Tepals and spur yellowish-green to lime green, lip and callus much paler yellowish cream or greenish-cream, column pale yellowish-cream distally, anther cap greenish cream or cream

Terrestrial in upper montane forest in shaded positions. Altitude 1600-3300 m.

Malesia (New Guinea, endemic).

Papua New Guinea. See map

distribution in New Guinea

Cool growing terrestrial, keep in shade.

June, September.

  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Epidendroideae
  • Tribe Undetermined
  • Subtribe Collabiinae
  • Genus Calanthe
  • Section Calanthe
  • Species Calanthe cremeoviridis

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Calanthe cremeoviridis

Calanthe cremeoviridis J.J.Wood, flower, lateral view, photo Ed de Vogel, Leiden cult. 20032233, from Papua New Guinea, Westerm Highlamds Prov.

Calanthe cremeoviridis

Calanthe cremeoviridis J.J.Wood, plant habit, photo Ed de Vogel, Leiden cult. 20032233, from Papua New Guinea, Westerm Highlamds Prov.

Calanthe cremeoviridis

Calanthe cremeoviridis J.J.Wood, rachis with flowers, photo Rd de Vogel, Leiden cult. 20032233, from Papua New Guinea, Westerm Highlamds Prov.

Calanthe cremeoviridis

Calanthe cremeoviridis J.J.Wood, inflorescence, photo Ed de Vogel, Leiden cult. 20032233, from Papua New Guinea, Westerm Highlamds Prov.

Calanthe cremeoviridis

Calanthe cremeoviridis J.J.Wood, flowers, various views, photo Ed de Vogel, Leiden cult. 20032233, from Papua New Guinea, Westerm Highlamds Prov.

Calanthe cremeoviridis

Calanthe cremeoviridis J.J.Wood, flower, lateral view, photo Ed de Vogel, Leiden cult. 20032233, from Papua New Guinea, Westerm Highlamds Prov.

Calanthe cremeoviridis

Calanthe cremeoviridis J.J.Wood, centre of flower, front view, photo Ed de Vogel, Leiden cult. 20032233, from Papua New Guinea, Westerm Highlamds Prov.

Calanthe cremeoviridis

Calanthe cremeoviridis J.J.Wood, centre of flower, oblique front view, photo Ed de Vogel, Leiden cult. 20032233, from Papua New Guinea, Westerm Highlamds Prov.

Calanthe cremeoviridis

Calanthe cremeoviridis J.J.Wood, centre of flower, oblique front view, photo Ed de Vogel, Leiden cult. 20032233, from Papua New Guinea, Westerm Highlamds Prov.

Calanthe cremeoviridis

Calanthe cremeoviridis J.J.Wood, centre of flower, oblique lateral view, photo Ed de Vogel, Leiden cult. 20032233, from Papua New Guinea, Westerm Highlamds Prov.

Calanthe cremeoviridis

Calanthe cremeoviridis J.J.Wood, inflorescence, photo J.J. Wood, based on Sands et al. 1782

Calanthe cremeoviridis

Calanthe cremeoviridis J.J.Wood, inflorescence, photo J.J. Wood, based on Sands et al. 1782

Calanthe cremeoviridis

Calanthe cremeoviridis J.J.Wood, flower analysis, drawing M. Swann in Orchid Rev. 89 (1981) 210, fig.

Calanthe cremeoviridis

Calanthe cremeoviridis J.J.Wood, drawing N.H.S. Howcroft 94, based on Howcroft cult., from Bulolo

Calanthe cremeoviridis

Calanthe cremeoviridis J.J.Wood, herbarium sheet, Sands (Woods & Pattison) 1782 (4 sheets, drawing K, 2 sheets), holotype (K)

Calanthe cremeoviridis

Calanthe cremeoviridis J.J.Wood, herbarium sheet, Sands 1782 (4 sheets, drawing K, 2 sheets), holotype (K)

Calanthe cremeoviridis

Calanthe cremeoviridis J.J.Wood, herbarium sheet, Sands, Wood & Pattison 1782 (4 sheets, drawing K, 2 sheets), holotype (K)

Calanthe cremeoviridis

Calanthe cremeoviridis J.J.Wood, herbarium sheet, Sands (Woods & Pattison) 1782 (4 sheets, drawing K, 2 sheets), holotype (K)