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Dendrobium irinae Ormerod, Checkl. Papuasian Orch. (2017) 214, 481 (fig.).
Type: Ames cult. s.n. (holo AMES).
Epiphytes. Roots, rhizome, stem and leaves not seen. Inflorescence fragment 12.5 cm long; peduncle fragment 5.7 cm long; peduncular scale leaf 1, tubular, obliquely truncate, 1.3 cm long; rachis sublaxly 10-12 flowered, 6.8 cm long; floral bracts ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 0.45-0.7 by 0.2-0.4 cm, the lowest one possibly subvaginate, suborbicular-peltate, thinly papyraceous, 1.2 by 0.9 cm. Pedicel and ovary narrowly terete-club-shaped, c. 2 cm long. Median sepal ligulate-lanceolate, 2.2 by 0.5 cm; apex acute; 5-nerved. Lateral sepals ligulate from an obliquely dilated base; apex acute; 5-nerved, 2.15 by 0.875 cm, median 0.3 cm wide, mentum conical, c. 0.75 cm long, with subacute apex. Petals not twisted, narrowly ligulate-oblanceolate, 2.4 by 0.32 cm; apex acute; 3-nerved. Lip weakly 3-lobed, oblong lanceolate, 2.55 by 0.8 cm; keels 3. low and narrow, starting near the base of the hypochile and petering out on the lower half of the epichile in a low thickened area; hypochile c. 1 by 0.78 cm, with short, obtuse lateral lobes; epichile oblong-lanceolate, c. 1.6 by, 0.6 cm, margins undulate, with acute apex. Column semiterete, broadly 2-dentate, 0.35 cm long; column foot 0.7 cm long.
(after Ormerod, 2017)).
Flower colour not known.
Not known.
Although of unknown provenance, it is possible that Dendrobium irinae Ormerod originated from New Guinea, hence it is included in this website.
Dendrobium irinae was found misidentified as " D. leucophotum" (i.e. D. leucolophotum Rchb.f. [= D. affine]), a taxon that originated from the Lesser Sunda Islands.
Dendrobium irinae approaches D. hornei S. Moore from Fiji in the measurements of the the flower parts. In the latter the flowers dry a clear yellow like in D. tokai Rchb.f., whereas in D. irinae the petals dry a coppery colour.
D. irinae may prove to be related to D. capra J.J. Sm. from Java and the Lesser Sunda Islands
D. irinae is named after Irina Ferreras.
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