Dendrobium glabrum J.J.Sm., Bull. Dép. Agric. Indes Néerl. 5 (1907) 4; Nova Guinea 8, 1 (1909) 56, t. 20, fig. 64.
Type: Jaheri s.n. (Irian Jaya, Merauke river) (holo BO; iso BO, probable, Bogor cult. s.n., 1905 2x, 1906, no coll.), L, probable, Bogor cult. s.n., 1906, no coll.).
Rhizome elongated, creeping. Pseudobulbs to 1.5 cm apart, 1-leaved, oblongoid, elliptic in cross-section, 3.3 by 0.9 cm. Leaves erect, lanceolate, 5.5 by 1.7 cm, coriaceous, apex obtuse, bilobulate. Inflorescences 1-flowered, spathe 2 cm long. Pedicel 1.8 cm long; ovary 0.6 cm long. Flower c. 3.5 cm across. Dorsal sepal 2.2 cm by 4.3 mm. Lateral sepals 2.3 cm by 6 mm, mentum c. 0.45 cm long. Petals 2.1 cm by 1 mm. Lip weakly 3-lobed, 1.2 by 0.5 cm, with 3 keels, the lateral keels higher than the middle one, glabrous; midlobe 0.7 cm by 2.7 mm. Column 0.3 cm long; column-foot 0.45 cm long.
(after Smith, 1909).
Flower pale yellowish, lip with red margins to the lateral lobes, column pale greenish, below the stigma with red markings.
Epiphyte in savannah and coastal forest. Altitude 0 to 400 m.
New Guinea, Australia.
Papua (Merauke Regency); Papua New Guinea (Western, Morobe, and Central Provinces).
Warm growing epiphyte, prefers light position.
September-March, May.
Dendrobium glabrum J.J.Sm. is distinctive by the creeping rhizomes with well-spaced, erect pseudobulbs which are not angular but elliptic in cross-section.
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