Prev Taxon: Genus Dendrobium section Rhizobium
Current Genus: Genus Dendrobium section Spatulata
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Dendrobium violaceoflavens J.J.Sm., Nova Guinea 14 (1929) 420, pl. 65, 72.
Type: Thomsen 680 (holo L; iso BO, L).
An epiphytic herb. Stem 2.5-4 m long, cane-like, tapering above. Leaves coriaceous, elliptic to lanceolate, obtuse at unequally bilobed apex, 14.5-21 by 3-7.5 cm, articulated to tubular sheaths 4.5-5 cm long. Inflorescences erect-spreading, laxly 10-20 or more-flowered, 30-60 cm long; peduncle c. 12.5 cm long; bracts elliptic, acute, 7-8 mm long. Flowers large, showy, fleshy; pedicel and ovary c. 5 cm long. Dorsal sepal oblong, very obtuse, rounded or truncate at apex, 1 9-2.45 by 1.2-1.3 cm; lateral sepals spreading, oblong, oblique at base, rounded at apex, 2.2-2.65 by 1.2-1.85 cm; mentum pointing backwards, with a slender apical part, obscurely bifid at apex, 1.5-1.8 cm long. Petals spathulate, rounded or emarginate, 2-2.8 by 0.8-1.2 cm, not twisted or half-twisted. Lip convex, 3-lobed, 2.5-3.2 by 1.75-1.9 cm; side-lobes obliquely elliptic, rounded or obtuse and spreading at apex; midlobe porrect, obovate or elliptic, apiculate, side margins recurved; callus of 5 keels, the central one longest and somewhat raised at apex on midlobe. Column 7-8 mm long.
(after Cribb, 1986).
Sepals and petals yellow; lip bluish or violet.
Epiphyte in rainforest, in shaded positions. Altitude 0-50 m.
New Guinea.
Warm growing epiphyte, prefers shaded position.
Dendrobium violaceoflavens J.J.Sm. is one of the largest species in section Spatulata both in its vegetative habit, with canes up to 3 m long, and flower size.
Dendrobium violaceoflavens J.J.Sm. is in lip shape closest to Dendrobium lasianthera J.J.Sm. but that species has differently coloured flowers, much narrower acute sepals and linear spirally twisted petals.
Dendrobium aries J.J.Sm., first collected in the same area, is similarly coloured to Dendrobium violaceoflavens, but it has a very different concave lip with a larger midlobe and a callus in which the mid-ridge forms a distinct flap-like lamella on the midlobe.
(after Cribb, 1986).
The Indonesian name used for this orchid in Papua Province is Angrek Besi, in English Iron Orchid.
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