Prev Species: Dendrobium nothofageti

Dendrobium rigidum

Dendrobium rigidum

Dendrobium rigidum R.Br., Prodr. (1810) 333.

Type: Illust. Banks s.n. (Tropical Australia).


  • Callista rigida (R.Br.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. (1891) 655.
  • Dockrillia rigida (R.Br.) Rauschert, Feddes Repert. 94 (1983) 447.
  • Dendrobium desmotrichoides J.J.Sm., Bull. Dép. Agric. Indes Néerl. 19 (1908) 16; Nova Guinea 8, 1 (1909) 63, t. 23, fig. 72.
    - Type: Bogor cult. (Jaheri 60) s.n. (Merauke River) (holo BO).
  • Dockrillia desmotrichoides (J.J.Sm.) Brieger, in Schltr., Orchideen, ed. 3, I/A (1981) 745.

Rhizome to c. 12.5 cm long, creeping, branching. Stems 1.8 cm long, consisting of c. 3 internodes, of which the upper one is largest, concave at the apex, and obconical-thickened apically, the terminal internode 1.25 cm by 3.5 mm, 1-leaved. Leaves inserted in the apical cavity of the stem, laterally compressed, obliquely lanceolate, 4.5 by 1 cm, apex obtuse, very fleshy, rigid, verruculose. Inflorescences arising near the apex of the stem behind the leaf, very short; peduncle 0.9 cm long, slender, peduncle-scales few, membranous, c. 2-flowered (up to 6 flowered, fide O'Byrne, 1994). Pedicel and ovary 0.6 cm long. Flowers 1.45 cm across, fragrant. Dorsal sepal ovate-oblong, 0.75 cm by 3.7 mm, incurved at the base, convex, apex obtuse. Lateral sepals triangular, 0.75 cm by 6 mm, apex subacute; concave, 5-nerved; mentum obtuse-retuse. Petals narrowly lanceolate, slightly widened in upper part, 0.8 cm by 2 mm, slightly convex, 3-nerved, apex acute. Lip 3-lobed near the middle, 0.9 by 0.55 cm, concave, with 3 keels, the lateral ones straight, extending to the base of the midlobe, the median keel longer and in the basal part lower than the laterals, straight until the base of the midlobe, on the midlobe strongly wavy; lateral lobes erect, porrect, obliquely ovate-triangular, hardly extending beyond the apex of the column; midlobe larger, obovate, carnose, obtusely apiculate. Column 0.25 cm long, clinandrium 3-lobulate, the lateral lobules triangular, acute, the median tooth-like, shorter, stigma large, deeply concave; column-foot at almost right angles to the ovary, 0.35 cm long, curved, obtuse. Anther cucullate, flattened in front, apex puberulous.
(after Smith, 1909 - as Dendrobium desmotrichoides).

Sepals and petals pale yellowish green, outside with sparse reddish dots, lip pale yellow, on the lateral lobes with longitudinal red stripes, on the midlobe inside with red spots and stripes, outside with red dots. Column pale green with red margins and markings; anther pale green, pollinia bright yellow.

Lowland epiphyte, usually growing in exposed positions, also lithophytic. Altitude 0 to 860 m.

New Guinea, Aru Islands, Australia.

Papua (Merauke Regency); Papua New Guinea (Gulf, Morobe, Central, Oro, and Milne Bay Provinces).

Map: Dendrobium rigidum R.Br., map of distribution, redrawn from N.H.S. Howcroft, from Orchadian 5 (1978) 183.

Warm growing epiphyte, requires full sun.

Throughout the year. Flowers last 3-4 days (fide O'Byrne).

  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Epidendroideae
  • Tribe Dendrobieae
  • Subtribe Dendrobiinae
  • Genus Dendrobium
  • Section Rhizobium
  • Dendrobium rigidum
  • Howcroft, N.H.S. 1978. Orchadian 5: 182, fig.
  • O'Byrne, P. 1994. Lowland Orchids of Papua New Guinea: 316, fig., pl.

Dendrobium rigidum R.Br. is easily recognised by the 1-leaved shoots carrying a single laterally flattened leaf.

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Dendrobium rigidum

Dendrobium rigidum R.Br., habit, photo Jon Cara, based on Roy Ford cult. s.n., from Papua New Guinea, Mt Gahavisuka.

Dendrobium rigidum

Dendrobium rigidum R.Br., inflorescence, photo Jon Cara, based on Roy Ford cult. s.n., from Papua New Guinea, Mt Gahavisuka.

Dendrobium rigidum

Dendrobium rigidum R.Br., flowers, various views, photo Jon Cara, based on Roy Ford cult. s.n., from Papua New Guinea, Mt Gahavisuka.

Dendrobium rigidum

Dendrobium rigidum R.Br., flower, front view, photo Jon Cara, based on Roy Ford cult. s.n., from Papua New Guinea, Mt Gahavisuka.

Dendrobium rigidum

Dendrobium rigidum R.Br., flower, oblique front view, photo Jon Cara, based on Roy Ford cult. s.n., from Papua New Guinea, Mt Gahavisuka.

Dendrobium rigidum

Dendrobium rigidum R.Br., habit, photo Jon Cara, based on Roy Ford cult. s.n., from Papua New Guinea, Mt Gahavisuka

Dendrobium rigidum

Dendrobium rigidum R.Br.,plant with inflorescences, photo Jon Cara, based on Roy Ford cult. s.n., from Papua New Guinea, Mt Gahavisuka

Dendrobium rigidum

Dendrobium rigidum R.Br., habit, photo N.E.G. Cruttwell, based on Cruttwell (12/74, PNG, Cape Vogel)

Dendrobium rigidum

Dendrobium rigidum R.Br., flowers, photo P. O'Byrne, based on O'Byrne D551

Dendrobium rigidum

Dendrobium rigidum R.Br., flowers, photo D. Titmuss, based on E. L. cult.

Dendrobium rigidum

Dendrobium rigidum R.Br., inflorescence, photo Jon Cara, based on Jon Cara cult. s.n., from Australia, Iron Range

Dendrobium rigidum

Dendrobium rigidum R.Br., habit, photo Jon Cara, based on National Capital Botanic Gardens Port Moresby cult. s.n., from Papua New Guinea

Dendrobium rigidum

Dendrobium rigidum R.Br., flower, front view, photo Jon Cara, based on National Capital Botanic Gardens Port Moresby cult. s.n., from Papua New Guinea

Dendrobium rigidum

Dendrobium rigidifolium Rolfe, plant habit, photo Ed de Vogel, Leiden cult. 20030870 (de Vogel & Vogel), from Papua New Guinea, Morobe Province

Dendrobium rigidum

Dendrobium rigidifolium Rolfe, flower, oblique front view, photo Ed de Vogel, Leiden cult. 20030870 (de Vogel & Vogel), from Papua New Guinea, Morobe Province

Dendrobium rigidum

Dendrobium rigidifolium Rolfe, flower, oblique lateral view, photo Ed de Vogel, Leiden cult. 20030870 (de Vogel & Vogel), from Papua New Guinea, Morobe Province

Dendrobium rigidum

Dendrobium rigidifolium Rolfe, flower, oblique lateral view, photo Ed de Vogel, Leiden cult. 20030870 (de Vogel & Vogel), from Papua New Guinea, Morobe Province

Dendrobium rigidum

Dendrobium rigidum R.Br., drawing by N.H.S. Howcroft in Orchadian 5 (1978) 183

Dendrobium rigidum

Dendrobium rigidum R.Br. (as Dendrobium desmotrichoides J.J.Sm.), drawing J.J. Smith, based on Bogor cult. (Jaheri 60) s.n.