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Dendrobium devosianum

Dendrobium devosianum

Dendrobium devosianum J.J.Sm., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 36 (1934) 113.

Type: Vos, de cult. s.n. (New Guinea ?); Demmeni, cult. (New Guinea ?) (syntypes BO, isosyn L).


  • Ceratobium devosianum (J.J.Sm.) M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones, Orchadian 13 (2002) 486

An epiphytic herb. Stems cane-like, about 30 cm long, slightly fusiformly thickened. Leaves spreading, recurved, oblong, oblong-ovate or lanceolate, narrowly obliquely obtuse at apex, 7.5-12.5 by c. 3.3 cm. Inflorescences erect or ascending, laxly about 14-flowered, 31-34 cm long, peduncle c. 6-9 cm long; bracts slightly tubular, ovate-triangular, acute, 5 mm long. Flowers fleshy, c. 4 75 cm tall; pedicel and ovary 2 8 cm long, emerging somewhat above the axil of the bract. Dorsal sepal linear-lanceolate acute, c. 2.2 by 0.5-0.55 cm, slightly undulate, recurved towards apex, lateral sepals obliquely lanceolate-triangular, acute, apiculate, c. 2.2 by 1.1 cm, slightly undulate; mentum incurved-conical, 9 mm long. Petals linear-spathulate, acute, 3 4 by 0.2-0.35 cm, about twice-twisted. Lip 3-lobed, 2-2.5 by 1.2-1.65 cm, side lobes erect, oblong, rounded in front, margins erose; midlobe porrect, rhombic-ovate, shortly acuminate; callus of 5 ridges scarcely raised at apex on base of midlobe. Column 6-5 mm long.
(after Cribb, 1986).

Sepals whitish, striped with dark purple above; petals purple with a green margin; lip side-lobes green, midlobe yellow, all striped with purple; callus purple.

Not known.

?New Guinea.


Warm growing epiphyte.

  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Epidendroideae
  • Tribe Dendrobieae
  • Subtribe Dendrobiinae
  • Genus Dendrobium
  • Section Spatulata
  • Species Dendrobium devosianum
  • Cribb, P.J. 1986. Kew Bull. 41: 631, fig. 19F, pl. 7C.
  • Smith, J.J., 1937. Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 14: 164.

Dendrobium devosianum J.J.Sm. is a relatively small-flowered species which differs from Dendrobium antennatum Lindl. in its flower colour, somewhat spreading petals and lip shape.

J.J.Smith based his description of Dendrobium devosianum J.J.Sm. on two cultivated specimens which possibly originated in Dutch New Guinea (now Papua). Nothing more is known of their provenance nor of the habitat from which they were gathered. The possibility that Dendrobium devosianum is of hybrid origin can therefore not be ruled out.
(after Cribb, 1986).

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Dendrobium devosianum

Dendrobium devosianum J.J.Sm., flower, oblique lateral view, photo Jon Cara, based on Jon Cara cult. s.n., from Papua New Guinea I

Dendrobium devosianum

Dendrobium devosianum J.J.Sm.,plant habit, photo Jon Cara, based on Jon Cara cult. s.n., from Papua New Guinea I

Dendrobium devosianum

Dendrobium devosianum J.J.Sm., inflorescence, photo Jon Cara, based on Jon Cara cult. s.n., from Papua New Guinea

Dendrobium devosianum

Dendrobium devosianum J.J.Sm., flower, front view, photo Jon Cara, based on Jon Cara cult. s.n., from Papua New Guinea I

Dendrobium devosianum

Dendrobium devosianum J.J.Sm., flower, oblique front view, photo Jon Cara, based on Jon Cara cult. s.n., from Papua New Guinea I

Dendrobium devosianum

Dendrobium devosianum J.J.Sm., flower, oblique lateral view, photo Jon Cara, based on Jon Cara cult. s.n., from Papua New Guinea

Dendrobium devosianum

Dendrobium devosianum J.J.Sm., flower, front view, photo Jon Cara, based on Jon Cara cult. s.n., from Papua New Guinea

Dendrobium devosianum

Dendrobium devosianum J.J.Sm., flower, oblique front view, photo Jon Cara, based on Jon Cara cult. s.n., from Papua New Guinea

Dendrobium devosianum

Dendrobium devosianum J.J.Sm., column and lip, front view, photo Jon Cara, based on Jon Cara cult. s.n., from Papua New Guinea I

Dendrobium devosianum

Dendrobium devosianum J.J.Sm., column and lip, oblique front view, photo Jon Cara, based on Jon Cara cult. s.n., from Papua New Guinea I

Dendrobium devosianum

Dendrobium devosianum J.J.Sm., flowers, photo W. Engbert, based on Leiden cult. s.n. c. 1963

Dendrobium devosianum

Dendrobium devosianum J.J.Sm., flower detail, photo W. Engbert, based on Leiden cult. s.n. c. 1963

Dendrobium devosianum

Dendrobium devosianum J.J.Sm., drawing J.J. Smith, based on Demmeni cult. s.n.

Dendrobium devosianum

Dendrobium devosianum J.J.Sm., drawing by V. Price in Kew Bull. 41 (1986) 684, fig. 19F

Dendrobium devosianum

Dendrobium devosianum J.J.Sm., drawing J.J. Smith, based on Demmeni cult. s.n.