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Dendrobium crispilinguum

Dendrobium crispilinguum

Dendrobium crispilinguum P.J.Cribb, Orchid Rev. 88 (1980) 145; Orchadian 6 (1980) 178, fig.

Type: NGF (Millar) 15917 (holo K, iso LAE).


  • Durabaculum crispilinguum (P.J.Cribb) M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones, Orchadian 13 (2002) 487

An epiphytic herb. Stems cane-like, up to 2 m tall but usually less than 1 m. Leaves coriaceous, suberect, ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, acute, 7.5-12 by 1.5-3.5 cm, articulated to a slightly inflated tubular sheath up to 4 cm long. Inflorescences 1-several, suberect or spreading, up to 40 cm long, about 20-flowered; bracts lanceolate, acuminate, 6-8 mm long. Flowers: pedicel and ovary 2.6-3 mm long. Dorsal sepal recurved and slightly twisted, lanceolate, acute, 2.6-3 by 0.4 cm, undulate; lateral sepals reflexed, falcate, lanceolate, acute, 2.6 by 0.7 cm; mentum 5-6 mm long. Petals linear, acute, 2.5-3.3 by 0.2 cm, 1-3 times twisted. Lip 3-lobed, oblong in outline, 1.8 by 1 cm; side-lobes oblong, truncate, with erose front margins; midlobe not recurved, lanceolate, acuminate, 1.1 by 0.6 cm, with undulate-crispate and erose margins; callus of five ridges all slightly raised at apex on basal part of midlobe. Column 5 mm long, erose-denticulate at apex; anther cap green.
(after Cribb, 1986).

Stems orange when dry. Flowers cream or yellowish with a white or greenish lip heavily suffused with lilac-purple.
(after Cribb, 1986).

Epiphyte on trees in montane forest. Altitude 1100 to 1600 m.

New Guinea.

Papua New Guinea (Highland Provinces).

Map: Dendrobium crispilinguum P.J.Cribb, distribution map, redrawn from P. Cribb, Kew Bull. 41 (1986) 658, map 6.

Intermediate growing epiphyte, requiring a high humidity throughout the year.

Not known, in cultivation in Leiden in October and December to February.

  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Epidendroideae
  • Tribe Dendrobieae
  • Subtribe Dendrobiinae
  • Genus Dendrobium
  • Section Spatulata
  • Dendrobium crispilinguum
  • Chadim, V.A. 1982. Orchadian 7: 59, fig. 1-2.
  • Cribb, P.J. 1986. Kew Bull. 41: 674, fig. 15, pl. 12F, map 6.
  • Reeve, T.M. 1981. Orchadian 6: 286.

Dendrobium crispilinguum is an attractive but relatively small-flowered orchid probably most closely related to Dendrobium magistratus, another of the few montane species of the section. It differs, however, in its distinctively coloured flowers with creamy white sepals and petals and a boldly violet-veined lip. The lip is also quite different in shape with a broader ovate midlobe with boldly crisped and undulate margins, oblong side-lobes with entire margins and a callus of five ridges all slightly thickened at their apices on the base of the midlobe.

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Dendrobium crispilinguum

Dendrobium crispilinguum P.J.Cribb, flower, oblique front view, photo John Cara, based on Cara cult. s.n. from PNG

Dendrobium crispilinguum

Dendrobium crispilinguum P.J.Cribb, inflorescence, photo John Cara, based on Cara cult. s.n. from PNG

Dendrobium crispilinguum

Dendrobium crispilinguum P.J.Cribb, flower, front view, photo John Cara, based on Cara cult. s.n. from PNG

Dendrobium crispilinguum

Dendrobium crispilinguum P.J.Cribb, inflorescence, photo Roy. Bot. Gard. Edin., based on Edinburgh cult. 710250 (Wing 58)

Dendrobium crispilinguum

Dendrobium crispilinguum P.J.Cribb, flower, photo P.J. Cribb

Dendrobium crispilinguum

Dendrobium crispilinguum P.J.Cribb, flower, photo D. Titmuss, based on D. Smedley cult.

Dendrobium crispilinguum

Dendrobium crispilinguum P.J.Cribb, plant habit, photo Ed de Vogel, based on Leiden cult. 20032146 (de Vogel et al.), from Papua New Guinea, Western Highlands Prov.

Dendrobium crispilinguum

Dendrobium crispilinguum P.J.Cribb, inflorescence, photo Ed de Vogel, based on Leiden cult. 20032146 (de Vogel et al.), from Papua New Guinea, Western Highlands Prov.

Dendrobium crispilinguum

Dendrobium crispilinguum P.J.Cribb, flowers, various views, photo Ed de Vogel, based on Leiden cult. 20032146 (de Vogel et al.), from Papua New Guinea, Western Highlands Prov.

Dendrobium crispilinguum

Dendrobium crispilinguum P.J.Cribb, flower, front view, , photo Ed de Vogel, based on Leiden cult. 20032146 (de Vogel et al.), from Papua New Guinea, Western Highlands Prov.

Dendrobium crispilinguum

Dendrobium crispilinguum P.J.Cribb, flower, oblique lateral view, , photo Ed de Vogel, based on Leiden cult. 20032146 (de Vogel et al.), from Papua New Guinea, Western Highlands Prov.

Dendrobium crispilinguum

Dendrobium crispilinguum P.J.Cribb, flower, lateral view, , photo Ed de Vogel, based on Leiden cult. 20032146 (de Vogel et al.), from Papua New Guinea, Western Highlands Prov.

Dendrobium crispilinguum

Dendrobium crispilinguum P.J.Cribb, centre of flower, oblique front view, , photo Ed de Vogel, based on Leiden cult. 20032146 (de Vogel et al.), from Papua New Guinea, Western Highlands Prov.

Dendrobium crispilinguum

Dendrobium crispilinguum P.J.Cribb, centre of flower, oblique lateral view, , photo Ed de Vogel, based on Leiden cult. 20032146 (de Vogel et al.), from Papua New Guinea, Western Highlands Prov.

Dendrobium crispilinguum

Dendrobium crispilinguum P.J.Cribb, drawing by M. Swann in Kew Bull. 41 (1986) 675, fig. 15