Bulbophyllum section Hymenobractea Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1 (1913) 699-752. Type species: Bulbophyllum infundibuliforme J.J.Sm.
Epiphytes. Rhizomes creeping. Pseudobulbs minute compared to the size of the plant, 1-leaved. Leaves persistent. Inflorescence a 1-10-flowered, patent to erect raceme. Flowers not resupinate, distichous; floral bracts amplexicaul, often the lower ones tubular; pedicel with the basal node above the attachment of the floral bract. Sepals, the lateral sepals. Lateral sepals 1-1.4 X as long as the median sepal, 5-9-nerved; at the base connate and broadly attached; mentum chin-like. Petals 3-5-nerved; base broadly attached; margins entire. Lip mobile on a thin ligament, entire, distinctly recurved at 1/3- to ½ of its length. Column in lateral view with the lower part of the stigma often protruding, or with two protruding teeth; column foot present; stelidia ½ the length of the column or shorter, with or without a tooth along the upper and lower margin; anther in front not concave, front margin not or slightly drawn out; pollinia 4.
Nieuw Guinea. Endemic.
Genus Bulbophyllum sect. Hymenobractea contains 3 species; in New Guinea 3 species.
Lowland and lower montane forest. Altitude up to 1500 m.
Genus Bulbophyllum sect. Hymenobractea in New Guinea contains 3 speccies and 1 variety:
Bulbophyllum aemulum
Bulbophyllum hymenobracteum
Bulbophyllum hymenobracteum var. giriwoense
Bulbophyllum infundibuliforme
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