Genus Dendrobium sect. Pleianthe Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1 (1912) 450. Type species: Dendrobium pleianthum Schltr.
Rhizome short. Stems clustered, cane-like, much elongated and slender, not fleshy, many-leaved, unbranched, with apical growth continuing for several seasons . Leaves sheathing at the base, long lived, glabrous. Inflorescence an extremely dense cluster of flowers piercing the leaf-sheath and arranged in a parallel row laterally from the stem, 4- to 12-flowered; rachis more or less conical, laterally flattened.Flowers rather small, whitish or yellowish, the majority in the inflorescence not resupinate, lasting at least several days. Sepals not connate; mentum chin-like, short and broad. Lip mobile on the apex of the column foot, 3-lobed, with a warty callus on midlobe continuing as a low, longitudinal band toward base.
Sulawesi, New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands.
Genus Dendrobium section Pleianthe contains 3 described species, probably only one species.
Epiphytes in lowland and montane forest.
In Genus Dendrobium section Pleianthe Schltr. the most unusual inflorescence in the genus Dendrobium is present. It looks as if a bunch of flowers has explosively burst through the leaf-sheaths. In this character the section is absolutely unique. The plants are quite stout, with very tall, cane-like stems, not unlike some of the more robust species of sect. Grastidium, while the flowers also resemble certain members of that section. Unlike Grastidium, however, the flowers in sect. Pleianthe are not ephemeral.
In New Guinea Dendrobium section Grastidium contains the following 2 species, after revision probably 1 species:
Dendrobium dolichocaulon
Dendrobium pleianthum
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